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Fracture Repair Specialist in Alaska

Fracture repair involves stabilizing the fractured bones in the correct position to ensure proper healing and function. Dr. Packard in Alaskaoffers expert diagnosis and individualized non-operative and operative treatment plans depending on the nature of your fracture. Dr. Packard also provides specialized care during and after surgery. To learn more about fracture repair, contact Dr. Packard office in Alaska for an appointment today!

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What is Fracture Repair?

Fracture repair is a procedure performed to heal broken (fractured) bones using conservative or surgical treatment methods. This procedure mainly focuses on the reduction of the fracture and holding the fractured ends of the bone in the proper position during the healing process to ensure normal function after the fracture heals.

Methods of Fracture Repair

Based on the type and location of the fracture, your doctor will recommend any of the following treatment methods:

  • Casting: This method is done for fractures that are displaced, shortened, or angulated. To immobilize your fractured bone a plastic or fiberglass cast is used that facilitates healing of the bone in its correct position.
  • Traction: This method involves using a force to gently pull on the injured limb to guide the fractured bone ends to their correction position. There are two methods of traction: 
    • Skin traction: Skin traction involves the attachment of traction tapes to the skin of the limb segment below the fracture. 
    • Skeletal traction: In skeletal traction, a pin is inserted through the bone and attached to ropes. Weights are applied, and you will be placed in a traction apparatus. This method is commonly used for fractures of long bones.
  • Pins: Pins are used to stabilizing bones, and they are placed into the skin by a procedure called closed reduction with percutaneous pinning (CRPP).
  • External fixation: This is a procedure in which fracture stabilization is done using pins that are held in place outside the body. Your doctor will screw pins into the bone above and below the fracture which exit the body and are attached to a stabilizer device outside the body. This will help to maintain bone length and alignment without casting. This external fixation is carried out in cases of an open injury or multiple bone fractures.
  • Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF): This is a surgical procedure in which the fracture site is exposed while approximation of the fractured ends of the bone is done. Internal fixation is accomplished with wires, screws, and nails that are attached to a metal plate placed inside the body.
  • Intramedullary Rodding: In this method, a rod is inserted into the medullary canal of the bone to stabilize the broken bone. This is used to treat fractures of the lower extremity bones.

Recovery from Fracture Repair

Fractures will take several weeks or months to heal completely. You should limit your physical activities even after the removal of the cast or brace, so the bone becomes strong enough to bear the stress. The plates and screws may be removed after your bone heals or will remain inside the body.

If you would like to have additional information on fracture repair or other procedures, please contact Dr. Packard in Alaska.